Academic Editorial, Indexing, and Glossary Services

I have decades of experience with academic editing. In my college years, I began editing papers on literature for one of the graduate students in my department. Subsequent academic editing has included work on a history textbook, two doctoral dissertations in history, a law review article, a legal research proposal, and, most recently, several political science articles. My own academic background includes graduate-level work in linguistics and translation as well as undergraduate work in language, literature, history, and economics. The breadth of my background and interests contribute to my comfort in tackling new as well as familiar subject matter.

As a professional lexicographer, I also write glossaries. I have written a glossary for two geology textbooks and a glossary for an herbalism magazine. I served as Associate Editor for the American Heritage Dictionary, 3rd ed., and have done lexicographic work in a variety of fields, including computer science and religion. I have done consultation work for a few of the Merriam Webster dictionaries. For more information on my lexicographic work and experience, click here.

I am also an indexer. I have prepared indexes for two political science books and one book about adoption. Here are some reviews from my authors.

I offer more details about how I work as an editor here.